1 Ответ
1. A childhood impression can have a big impact on the future.
2. Children can be easily tricked.
3. All that glitters is not gold, but… it can be even better!
4. Put a crown on a donkey, and it’s still a donkey!
5. I’ve developed a new hobby out of an old one.
6. Hands of a working man should be free of nonsense.
7. It’s not a personal preference — just part of the job description!
Говорящий A2 B5 C1 D7 E3 F6
A. Agnes met Bruno on her way from shopping.
B. Bruno and Agnes are classmates.
C. Agnes has gone rock climbing with her cousins before.
D. Bruno is the youngest child in the family.
E. Bruno and his family have climbed very high mountains.
F. During the summer holidays, Bruno went climbing in the local hills.
G. Agnes will have to pay for renting climbing shoes.
Утверждение A1 B3 C2 D1 E2 F3 G2
3. What do we learn about Katie at the beginning of the interview?
1) She teaches at a high school.
2) She lives in Oregon.
3) She likes jogging.
Ответ: 2
4. Katie became a mushroom farmer because she wanted to …
1) continue her parents’ agricultural business.
2) grow something natural and teach others about it.
3) host scientific conferences and take part in them.
Ответ: 2
5. According to Katie, people call all wild mushrooms «toadstools» because …
1) people have no information about them.
2) wild mushrooms are usually poisonous.
3) it’s a traditional name for wild mushrooms.
Ответ: 1
6. Katie was taught to pick up wild mushrooms …
1) in Italy and Russia.
2) by her own family.
3) by her neighbours.
Ответ: 3
7. Which of the following does Katie NOT teach?
1) How to cook and preserve mushrooms.
2) How to tell edible mushrooms from poisonous ones.
3) How to use mushrooms for medical purposes.
Ответ: 3
8. What does Katie mean by ethical foraging?
1) Not killing animals in forests.
2) Not gathering too many mushrooms.
3) Not leaving garbage in the forest.
Ответ: 4
9. Who comes to the scientific conferences hosted by Maggy?
1) Professors, artists and scientists.
2) Scientists, artists and chefs.
3) Chefs, scientists and school teachers.
Ответ: 1
10. 1. Brave partners in action 5. Tested by time
1. Brave partners in action 5. Tested by time
2. Hardworking employees 6. Let sleeping dogs lie
3. Immortalized by the authors 7. Guardian angels of the mountains
4. On the verge of the universe 8. Where artistic talent is encouraged
Ответ: A5 B2 C8 D7 E1 F4 G3
11. Scrabble
1. to get the highest score
2. when there are no more tiles
3. as players try to use these squares
4. where to place them on the board
5. to make words on a board
6. while having fun
7. that can double or triple the points
Ответ: A5 B1 C7 D3 E2 F6
12. Which of the following was NOT one of the problems Edward faced in 1937?
1) An economic crisis.
2) Living alone.
3) Having no job.
4) Being depressed.
Ответ: 4
13. What made Edward different from other counterfeiters?
1) He used only the best materials for his fake dollars.
2) His fake dollars looked exactly like real dollars.
3) His fake dollar bills had a silly spelling mistake.
4) He believed that making fake dollars was art.
Ответ: 3
14. Why did the Secret Service agents think Edward was making fun of them?
1) Because he didn’t try very hard to make a good fake.
2) Because he used his first fake dollar in a cigar shop.
3) Because he used an old-fashioned printing technique.
4) Because he only made $1 bills, which isn’t a lot of money.
Ответ: 1
15. The phrase “And just for good measure” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to …
1) “And simply by mistake”.
2) “And for no good reason”.
3) “And on top of that”.
4) “And to be exact”.
Ответ: 3
16. Among the Secret Service agents Edward was known as “Mister 880” because …
1) he made 880 fake dollars in the first year of his criminal activity.
2) it was the official number of his case in the Secret Service records.
3) the Secret Service spent 880 dollars yearly trying to catch him.
4) that was how many fake dollars Mueller spent every year.
Ответ: 2
17. In the 8th paragraph the author of the article describes Edward Mueller to show that
the Secret Service agents felt …
1) pity.
2) anger.
3) surprise.
4) satisfaction.
Ответ: 1
18. Which year was the most financially successful for Edward Mueller’s?
1) 1918.
2) 1938.
3) 1948.
4) 1950.
Ответ: 3
19. High in the mountains of Peru are the ruins of an ancient city called Machu Picchu. No one ___ there for hundreds of years.
Ответ: has been living
20. However, there are still about 200 impressive buildings and structures, ___ palaces, plazas, houses, temples and even an observatory for studying the sun and stars.
Ответ: including
21. Experts believe that Machu Picchu ___ as a special home for an Incan emperor and all the people he needed to support him.
Ответ: was built
22. To make living on a mountaintop ___, the Inca built large stair steps called terraces around the city.
Ответ: easier Se
23. The terraces gave the Inca flat land for growing crops like corn and _.
Ответ: potatoes
24. The Inca also guided mountain streams into stone channels and fountains so they __ have access to fresh water. Today, Machu Picchu is a popular tourist destination.
Ответ: could
25. Television, smartphones, tablets and computers are part of our everyday life. This leads to ___ on how many hours a day children can spend looking at the screen.
Ответ: discussions
26. Most __ agree that for young children screen time should not be more than one hour a day.
Ответ: specialists
27. They believe that screen time can ___impact children’s health. During screentime, kids may eat without thinking what they are doing instead of eating to satisfy their hunger.
Ответ: negatively
28. Also, advertisements that appear during screen time can persuade kids to eat food that is
Ответ: unhealthy
29. Kids are less physically active when they are using digital devices, and this can lead to poor health. It’s important for kids to spend time using both their large and small muscles for proper
Ответ: development
30. 1) returned 2) replaced 3) replied 4) reflected
Ответ: 1
31. 1) although 2) however 3) nevertheless 4) despite
Ответ: 4
32. 1) seat 2) sit 3) set 4) sitter
Ответ: 1
33. 1) saw 2) watched 3) looked 4) observed
Ответ: 3
34. 1) quit 2) quiet 3) quite 4) quick
Ответ: 2
35. 1) hard 2) heavy 3) big 4) strong
Ответ: 1
36. 1) let 2) leave 3) allow 4) forbid
Ответ: 3