1 Ответ
1. The girls kept silent because they…
1. …didn’t like to speak to Aaron.
2. …didn’t know what to say to Aaron.
3. …were afraid to speak in their mother’s presence.
4. …were too modest to speak in the guest’s presence. +
2. It was a remarkable drawing as it managed to reflect…
1. …some hidden philosophical idea. +
2. …the light of a summer day.
3. …the peculiarity of the environment.
4. …all the nuances of the girl’s features.
3. When Susan’s mother saw the drawing, she…
1. …remained indifferent.
2. …showed her disapproval.
3. …she wasn’t sure how to react. +
4. …shared her daughter’s admiration.
4. The phrase «not quite liking the word »we» means that the painter…
1. …wanted Susan’s sister to admire his work.
2. …wanted the mother to thank him personally.
3. …expected all the present ladies to say something.
4. …was mainly concerned about the girl’s approval. +
5. What was unusual about Aaron’s visit on the following day? He came…
1. …later than usual.
2. …earlier than usual. +
3. …straight from Saragota.
4. …without prior arrangement.
6. Susan was alone at home…
1. …by pure chance. +
2. …because Aaron had arranged it.
3. …regularly at this time of the day.
4. …because she expected Aaron to come.
7. When Aaron asked Susan to marry him he…
1. …was sure that she loved him.
2. …just wanted to open his heart to her. +
3. …wanted to make sure that she loved him.
4. …expected her to go with him to New York.