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Британский бульдог «British Bulldog» конкурс по английскому языку 2 класс.

Все задания + варианты ответов + правильные ответы.

1. Where does the Addam family live? The Addam family lives in …

A) Moscow

B) London

C) Liverpool

D) New York


2. Where does Mr Addam work? He works in a …

A) shop

B) school

C) park

D) hospital


3. What does Mr Addam do? He is a … .

A) teacher

B) doctor

C) driver

D) manager


4. How many children do Mr and Mrs Addam have?

A) 1

B) 2

C) 3

D) 4


5. What do Jacky and Bill do? They are …

A) sportsmen

B) workers

C) teachers

D) students


Посмотри на слова и выбери те, в которых сочетание букв «th» читается как [ð]

6. A) thirty

B) thing

C) think

D) weather


7. A) that

B) three

C) maths

D) throw


8. A) thick

B) other

C) health

D) therapy


9. A) this

B) thank

C) mouth

D) thirteen


10. A) thin

B) tooth

C) theory

D) mother


11. He works in a hospital and treats patients.

A) A doctor

B) A painter

C) A farmer

D) A shop assistant


12. She sings a song.

A) A doctor

B) A shop assistant

C) A singer

D) A farmer


13. He paints a picture.

A) A doctor

B) A painter

C) A farmer

D) A shop assistant

Tridi изменил статус на опубликованный 13.12.2021